Earthnet adapter hack
Earthnet adapter hack

earthnet adapter hack

The device drivers for your particular device. inf files for a device and then put Windows into a test mode which will allow us to force this modified driver into being installed. It is likely a troubleshooting minimization measure, to keep people from installing drivers for devices that won’t work on a particular setup. Who knows why this was done, as there seems to be no ill effects from installing this on a Server 2012 R2 system. They go so far as to exclude certain device types from automated installation, as you’ll see under the section. The thing to note here is that the problem is cause when Intel’s software attempts to automate the device install, rather than letting Windows handle the installation. I found a number of threads of chatter around related issues for other components (all cited below), and after some experimentation, I got it all working. Huh? Well, being resourceful, I began Googling furiously. No Intel Adapters are present in this computer’.

earthnet adapter hack

#Earthnet adapter hack install

I then went to the Intel site to download the NIC directly, but this install failed with ‘Cannot Install Drivers. Thinking myself a wise man, I went to the Asus website to find the Ethernet software, however the installation failed with ‘OS version not supported’. However, my Ethernet adapter was not detected. The install of Server 2012 R2 was relatively uneventful. The ‘newy-new’ as we call it in the field.

earthnet adapter hack

With the release of Server 2012 R2, I decided to rebuild my test lab on the newest of the new.

Earthnet adapter hack